Silica – a critical mineral for a sustainable future
Company Overview
Who is Silica Resources Australia?
Silica Resources Australia (SRA) is a public, unlisted, critical minerals company that is fully independent and 100% Australian owned. SRA was formed specifically to be the owner of the Mourilyan Silica Sands Project.
Silica Resources Australia vision:
Our vision is to responsibly mine and manufacture Australian critical minerals to power the global energy transition and drive technological innovation. We aim to create shared value to all parties through respectful and constructive engagement with our stakeholders.
Why the Mourilyan Silica Sands Project:
SRA was established in 2021 to develop the Mourilyan Silica Sands Project. SRA currently owns 100% of the shares of Mourilyan Silica Resources (MSR) which holds all the assets that comprise the Mourilyan Silica Sands Project.
The Mourilyan Silica Sands Project is an important investment in the future of Queensland and Australia. The rare naturally occurring high-purity silica sand found in the Mourilyan deposit will provide a stable supply of high-quality silica to drive the energy transition from traditional fossil fuels to renewable sources. Mourilyan’s silicon, designated a critical mineral by the Australian Government, has the power to position Australia as a leading global supplier of responsibly-produced silica. This will contribute to secure national energy supply chains and support the development of a made-in-Australia solar power industry.
The unique qualities of the Mourilyan silica sand make it ideal for use in renewable solar panels and other future-facing technologies such as high-end glass and silicon wafers for microchips and semiconductors. The low-iron and low-chromite content, and the fine grain size of the glass sand will enable the production of low carbon-intensity glass products needed to create a sustainable future.
Critical mineral deposit in an ideal location
The project is located in close proximity to major infrastructure, 5km from the Bruce Highway and 27km to the port of Mourilyan Harbour.
The nearest town of significant size is Innisfail (population 10,000 people).
About Us
Silica Resources Australia overview
Mourilyan Silica Sands Project
Company board and management
Environment & community
Silica Resources Australia corporate video
Silica Resources Australia Limited
ACN: 655 231 066
PO Box 100
Innisfail QLD 4860
P: 1800 1 SILICA (174 542)